Alternative Press Fair


I sold some Everyday goods with Georgie yesterday at the Alternative Press Fair. We found ourselves in the pleasant and sometimes strange company of neighbours, Alfie Gallagher and Bear Guts, in the equally charming and bizarre venue of The Albert. It was a lively day. Met great folks, caught up with familiar faces and picked up some very decent publications and freebies.


Those handsome objects you see above are courtesy of Belly Kids, The Well Met Press and Sofia Niazi – and what a lovely bunch of coconuts they all are. Also super happy to have been given comics by Adam and Joe who dropped in for a good browse.

Thanks to Rebecca for getting us a space, and thanks to Hisham for sweet-talking punters when we left our table to gawk at zines and stuff. And thanks, of course, to Alternative Press for a swell Saturday.







Those illustrations to go with Kitchen did happen. Here are some of them. I may have to return to the one of Eriko as well as the plants on the terrace sometime.  Although they are quiet scenes, both subjects are celebrations of life. Eriko is dazzling! And the plants are friendly and buoyant. At the moment, I feel they’re a bit timid, but they should make you want to do a little jig to a song you like. I’ll try to cheer them up.


illustration of iDEATH from In Watermelon Sugar

Here’s a surviving scrap of work I created back when I was at Kingston. It’s a somewhat crude depiction of the landscape of iDEATH in Richard Brautigan’s novel, In Watermelon Sugarwhich I animated a teaser for and, unfortunately, never fully realised. This snippet didn’t make it into the wee thing, but having been reminded of it by Eimhin McNamara earlier this week, I thought I’d post it up.

If you’re unfamiliar with Brautigan, his work is very easy to get acquainted with, so get friendly with them books. You might just figure out what the heck you’re looking at (hopefully). Then dig these fine folks over at the Brautigan Book Club.